
JV Cowboys Host North College Hill

Thursday, January 19th, the JV Girls' Basketball team hosted North College Hill. 
Here's where we pass it off to you.
Now don't drop the ball; the JV team needs YOU! 
Make sure these athletes get the recognition and attention they deserve.  Send us a short (or long) summary of the game and we'll get it posted!
Thanks again to Arch "Honey Baked" Cunningham for these classic post-holiday treats.
Have another helping of them HERE
By the way, the call for game highlights apply to any team (High School, Middle School, Varsity, Junior Varsity) you aren't seeing fully represented here on the Round-Up.  Parents have told me how much their family enjoys seeing their athletes in the Round-Up.  (I know how much I did).  It would be great if we could have someone be the point person for these sports, so that they can be included as well!  Send stories or photos to wyoroundup@gmail.com

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