
It's good to have a mentor

Jeff Graham and Missy Horn have been my photography mentors since I started getting serious about this hobby.

Here's an example of the guidance that kind of person can provide.

Last week against Mariemont Chris Campbell make a great catch right in front of me.  Now most would try to get Chris in crisp focus.  I thought, though, let's get a little artsy and see the referee and Drew Perry's reaction to the catch and leave Chris out of focus.

Jeff was nice with his critique and gently explained that there was a time and place for creativity (you know, like there is for spontaneity).  So I took Jeff's words to heart and decided to try it his way. 

We talked to QB Robert Gomez, Chris and Coach Barre and arranged for Chris to make another great catch right in front of me (in the Madeira game).  I have to say, I think this picture works better.  As much as I hate to admit it, I think Jeff was right.

It does sort of leave you wondering how those Madeira fans across the way are reacting though.

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